
Meet Naz Gorley

Always on the move

Home base: Kennesaw, GA

Family life: Married to Joe, mom to fur-baby Dallas

Work life: Manager of the interior design and upholstery shop, A.S.A.P. Upholstery

Age: 30-something

There’s very little downtime in Nazly Gorley’s day, and she likes it that way. As a manager at a busy design and upholstery company, her work day is often a controlled frenzy of customer interactions and coordination of design and work flow. Active is a word she used to describe herself throughout her life. Growing up in Bogota, Colombia, dance classes filled her week. In college and as a young adult making a life in Georgia, volleyball, competitive runs and gym workouts filled her time. In fact, she met her husband, Joe, playing in a volleyball league.

“I’ve always been a very competitive person,” says Nazly. “Whether it was in dance growing up or volleyball in high school and college, I always wanted to be the best. Now my husband and I stay competitive by participating in a church volleyball league, but I also enjoy a relaxing run with our dog when it’s not so hot.”

How do you incorporate steps into your day?

“I am always on the move. At work I stay busy running back and forth from our office to the shop in the back. Then, once I’m off the clock, I usually meet my husband at the gym for a workout or head out to play some volleyball. I try to get 10,000 steps each day. Most days I am successful, but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t days where I just need to lounge around. I basically don’t sit down during the day. There is a chair at my desk but between interactions with clients and running back and forth, it seems like the only time I’m sitting down is for lunch.”

Who is a part of your workout tribe?

“Definitely my husband, Joe — we actually met at the gym. We played against each other in a volleyball league for a few seasons before we started dating, and now eight years later we are married. That’s definitely one of my favorite gym stories! My volleyball gang is an important part of my life. I’ve been playing volleyball with the same group of friends for almost a decade. We’ve played in leagues together at gyms, churches, open courts, even random bars. That’s one thing you can count on, there will be beers flowing after a practice or game!”

Tell us about your running life.

“I like the road races, but my favorites are the ones where I can get a little dirty. I’ve run a couple of Savage Races, but the best one for me was the Dirty Girl obstacle race that I ran a few years back. I’ve run three half-marathons. The Seaside Half in Seaside, FL, twice and the Diva half-marathon in Peachtree City. In addition to those, I’ve also run shorter races like the Color Run and the Lutzie 5K. I like to be thinking about my next race, but honestly I’m usually tricked into registering for a big race after a drink or two with my mother-in-law. Shout out, Cindy!”

Top 3 ideas to get your steps in:

  1. Gardening! It’s a great way to get a bunch of steps without realizing it.
  2. Get on the treadmill while you work or read a book.
  3. Playing with the dog always makes the steps add up.


Favorite race: The Dirty Girl Mud Run

Favorite song to run to: “Run” by Foo Fighters

Favorite running partner: Dallas, our German Shorthaired Pointer

Favorite running shoe: Gel Asics

Favorite spot-workout snack: French fries!

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