There are savings accounts that allow your money to increase over time based on the interest rates associated with the account. High yield savings accounts can offer massive returns.
This is especially the case if you want to beef up your savings account fast.
So how do you go about opening one of these special accounts? Read on for a deep dive into the subject.
First, go exploring. Like in many situations, you don’t want to settle on the first high yield savings account you find. Research as many banks that offer such accounts as the Internet can put in front of you. Review all of the ones that are pertinent to you and your needs, and see if their sign up requirements are reasonable for you.
Consider brick and mortar banks as well as those that are strictly online. This will give you a more complete understanding of different interest rates available. Be wary, though — Some accounts come with mandatory stipulations. You may have to deposit a certain amount of funds to open the account, as well as maintain monthly balance minimums.
Another big plus is that many of these accounts are simple to access. Unlike other accounts that may put a grace period or restrictions on withdrawing funds, these can have fewer obstacles for you to overcome.
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FDIC-Insured – Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. FitnessBank is a division of Affinity Bank. FitnessBank and Affinity Bank are the same entity for the purpose of calculating FDIC insurance limits and deposits. Effective September 15, 2023, the Bank converted from a federal savings association to a national bank, and as a result, the Company became a bank holding company instead of a savings and loan holding company. FitnessBank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information, or graphics of the websites that have links here. Please contact us with any concerns or comments. ©2025-2026 All Rights Reserved.