
How to Lose Body Fat and Preserve Muscle Mass

How to Lose Body Fat and Preserve Muscle Mass Tips to Become Leaner and Maintain Muscle Mass If your goal is to become leaner, figuring out the special component for saving muscle while losing fat can feel overwhelming. Even though it’s not always easy, it’s possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same …

The Connection Between Mood and Physical Activity

The Connection Between Mood & Physical Activity Aerobic Exercise Produces Endorphins, the “Feel Good” Chemicals, which Improves Concentration, Regulates Sleep, and Boosts Mood When you have depression, anxiety, or life seems to get in the way and consume your time, exercise often seems like the last thing on your to-do list. But once you get …

Low-Impact Ways to Stay Fit

Low-Impact Ways to Stay Fit Benefits of Low-Impact Exercise: Weight Control, Injury Prevention, Increased Flexibility, Mental Health Benefits, Boost Mood, Decrease Depression, Reduce Anxiety Time and time again we see high-intensity workouts at the forefront of exercise. However, not everyone can do CrossFit, bodybuilding, HIIT, plyometrics, etc. due to physical limitations, age, or overall lifestyle …

Best Workouts To Do in a Time Crunch

Best Workouts To Do In A Time Crunch: It’s crazy that 35% of Americans make daily excuses to avoid exercising. Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to work out? Have you said, ‘the day got away from me, so I’ll start fresh tomorrow’, just to not start tomorrow because you …

Why Your Health Really is Your Wealth

Your health is your wealth. And now, with this innovative offer from FitnessBank, this statement rings truer more than ever. As our site notes, FitnessBank is committed to rewarding its active members with lower interest rates over time. So how do we go about accomplishing this? It’s quite simple, actually. First, we track your steps …

Meet Brian O’Malley

Active Dad and Engineer  Home base: Marietta,  GA Home life: Father of 2 daughters and a son  Work life: Engineer  Brian O’Malley has been competitive since he can remember, especially with his brother, Terry. That competitiveness turned into motivation 2 years ago when Terry had a heart attack on a run in Chicago on Christmas …